Crosstalk from Estrogen signaling pathway to HIF-1 signaling pathway
List of curated literature with evidence for crosstalk from Estrogen signaling pathway to HIF-1 signaling pathway
HIF- and non-HIF-regulated hypoxic responses require the estrogen-related receptor in Drosophila melanogaster.
- Molecule in HIF-1 signaling pathway: tgo
- Tissue : larva
- Regulation type : Activating
- Sentence from paper : dERR binds to dHIFa and participates in the HIF-dependent transcriptional program in hypoxia.
Estrogen receptor-α directly regulates the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 pathway associated with antiestrogen response in breast cancer.
- Molecule in HIF-1 signaling pathway: HIF1A
- Tissue : MCF-7 cell
- Regulation type : Activating
- Sentence from paper : Interestingly, the HIF-1α gene itself also bears an estrogen response element, and its expression is directly regulated by ERα.
Note: We direct each interaction from the molecule in the first pathway to the molecule in the second pathway. The direction of the interaction does not imply that the first molecule regulates the second molecule or that they directly interact. Hence, the interactions in this network may be indirect and may not indicate any mechanism.