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Attribute NameDescription
Pathway A

The name of the upstream (first) pathway in a pair of crosstalking pathways.

Pathway B

The name of the downstream (second) pathway in a pair of crosstalking pathways.

Pubmed Query

The string used as a structured query in PubMed that returned the recorded PMID as a result.


The PubMed identifier for the reported publication.
We recorded "NO_RESULTS_FOR_PUBMED_QUERY" as a dummy PMID when the PubMed query returned no results.


yes, if Pathway A elicits a downstream transcriptional response in Pathway B.
no, otherwise.


yes, if the crosstalk is transcriptional.
no, otherwise.

Regulation type

The downstream effect on Pathway B. This attribute can take one of the following two values:

  • Activating: Stimulation of Pathway A up-regulates a gene or activates a protein that is representative of Pathway B.
  • Inhibiting: Stimulation of Pathway A down-regulates a gene or inhibits a protein that is representative of Pathway B.
Molecule A*

The molecule in Pathway A responsible for mediating crosstalk to Pathway B.

Molecule A Identifier

Unique identifier for Molecule A in the namespace recorded in "Molecule A Source", e.g., the UniProt ID of a protein.

Molecule A Source

The name of database that the value in "Molecule A Identifier" comes from, e.g., "UniProt" if the molecule is a protein.

Molecule B*

The molecule in Pathway B responsible for mediating crosstalk from Pathway A.

Molecule B Identifier

Unique identifier for Molecule B in the namespace recorded in "Molecule B Source", e.g., the UniProt ID of a protein.

Molecule B Source

The name of database that the value in "Molecule B Identifier" comes from, e.g., "UniProt" if the molecule is a protein.


The name of the species in which the crosstalk was observed.


The name of the tissue or cell line in which the crosstalk was observed.


The BRENDA Tissue Ontology (BTO) Identifier of the tissue or cell line in which the crosstalk was observed.


Notes on the experimental condition in the publication.

Sentence from paper

The sentence in the publication supporting the crosstalk. We record a sentence only if it states that Pathway A increases or decreases Pathway B signaling. The sentence may also include information about the proteins or genes responsible for mediating the crosstalk.

Misleading evidence for crosstalk

A sentence in the paper that appears to support evidence for crosstalk when the study does not conclude there is crosstalk.

Additional notes

A curator's notes that may provide rationale for the values recorded for the attributes.

*This attribute may represent either an individual molecule or several molecules. We use the following syntax for this attribute.